Hiab Services

Hiabs Are fast becoming the way of the future. They are praised for completing jobs quickly and there for more cost effective for the customer. They take little to no time to set up, they can lift objects like a normal crane, but with the added bonus of being able to transport the load too. A crane and a truck all in one machine.

“The jobs we accomplish are all unique and ever changing, no job is too hard for us. Careful planning goes into every single one to ensure safety and efficiency.”

Our Hiabs

Isuzu Hiab truck with winch

Specifications overview:

8×4 flat deck truck, Deck dimensions of 6.3mtr long x 2.5wide. Payload on the deck of 6.5tt

Crane lifts 7t at 5 meters radius or 1t at 21 meters radius

Has ringfeder tow coupling and can be hired with a 4 axle pull trailer with container locks and a payload of 23t

Mercedes Actros Hiab Truck

Specifications overview:

Front mount Hiab 422 crane

Options of fifth wheel turntable, ring feeder tow couplings or 2.5 x 4.5 flat deck

Crane rated to 12T at 2.9MTR radius and 1.760T at 16.5MTR radius